Pycap Featured in Dubai News Article About Canadian Immigration

Guide to Canadian Immigration

ARP Media

The Canadian Business Council organized an event at Canadian University Dubai, where the opportunities and complexities of Canadian immigration were discussed. The event took place in the presence of Mr. Shahram Safai, Chairman of the Canadian Business Council (CBC), Ms. Diana Szyszka Pompeii, Executive Director and Ms. Sangita Bhatia Operations Manager of CBC.

Mr. Stephen Green, Managing Partner of Green and Spiegel LLP, started the event by discussing about the general situation in Canada. According to him students are the biggest contributors of the country’s GDP. Canada is one of the friendliest countries in the world and everyone is very welcome there regardless of their race, gender and age. What’s special about Canada is its multiculturalism. When you go there, people are interested to learn about your culture and teach you about theirs. Everyone respects each other’s cultures and all are treated the same. This year Canada will take in the highest number of immigrants according to Mr. Green; the country is greatly supported by immigrants.

Green and Spiegel LLP is one of Canada’s largest and oldest immigration law firm with its headquarters in Toronto. They also have other offices in USA. They offer the Federal Start-Up Visa Program which enables foreigners to move to Canada and set up new businesses, therefore creating more employment opportunities for Canadians. Entrepreneurs who are eligible for the program will receive funding and other support for starting their companies. Benefits of this program include: being able to apply for permanent residency in Canada, up to five people can apply as owners of the company, obtaining up to C$300,000 for fund, and help from highly-skilled experts in specific fields.

There are certain criteria to be met in order to be eligible for the Start-Up Visa Program which were explained by Mr. Stuart Browne, CEO of Pycap which is a Venture Capital firm with a Canadian Government registered Startup Visa Designated Incubator. Requirements to qualify for the program are: have a qualifying business, have a letter of support from a designated organization such as Pycap, be able to communicate in English and have enough capital to settle down in Canada. Pycap’s expert team of investors, executive leaders, and analysts will help you to successfully start your business and live in Canada.

Moving to Canada isn’t as complicated as it may seem. If you have an innovative business idea that’s promising, then that’s all it really takes to start a life in Canada.


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