Pycap Portfolio Company Remote Buddy Runs Successful Pilot Program at Schulich

COVID-19 has changed the professional work place in which we operate, arguably forever. The remote worker founders of saw a gap in the corporate well-being market long before the pandemic hit.

Remote Buddy is a pro-active, well-being AI chatbot that checks in with remote employees on a daily basis to support their well-being and encourage positive habits. This will allow employers to see data on a rolling basis so they can make actionable improvements in real time to support their workforce's well-being.

An important stage in every new technology company is piloting the solution with arms length users who can give objective feedback on the product and business, pre-market.

The Schulich MBA Program, Venture Capital & Private Equity class began a pilot project of the Remote Buddy solution last week and will continue to demo the software over a two-week period. They will then give feedback on the product from a user perspective and from a VC/investment perspective on how the company can improve their viability in the corporate wellness market in North America. This is a unique opportunity for the students to get hands on experience with a real-life, emerging tech company for investment consideration.

“Remote Buddy’s technology has great potential to disrupt an industry for social good and corporate profit. If the well-being of people working at home can increase by having the proper supports in place then we will see more creative, productive, and loyal work forces arise at a time in history where innovation and cooperation are critical to the advancement of positive change. From a corporate culture standpoint, Remote Buddy brings hope to employees and employers transitioning to a remote work environment. It’s what good CEO’s should care about.” says Pycap CEO and Schulich Professor Stuart Browne.


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